We managed to clear out Lily's paddock, as well as the paddock for horse number 2. Which will remain a mystery because I love to have suspense on my blog.
From the end of a driveway, a dream can look so simple. |
It's funny, I've been thinking of how this journey has unfolded. Unfolded is such an apt metaphor. Like a piece of paper that has been folded over again and again, you have no idea what the paper will look like once it's unfolded. All that is left of its original shape are little creases throughout, showing the inverse of the journey itself.
When you weed eat wildflowers you will get a face full of petals. |
I have to remind myself to stay firmly in the present, to embrace the gifts I have and not drift into contemplation of what is next. To walk the line between planning and dreaming, living and imagining.
Along the road in front of our new place. Here they can grow as big as they want. |
And I wouldn't mind having my own spatulas and more than a single box of clothes.
I appreciate all the suggestions on Lily. We actually had a nerve block way back when and since it was so helpful in her treatment (not), I really don't see a point in another one. Basically the pain is in her shoulder. They can xray it (again) or block it (again) and they will tell me to take the same course of action. Shots, supplements, physical therapy. Basically it's what we are doing.
My focus is on adjusting her angles and getting her in a shoe that might help her out, I've seen it work on other horses with shoulder issues. She's on MSM, and I'm hopeful the combo along with regular chiro work will help. My main concern is that she's comfortable enough to still get around comfortably. I feel like I'm on the right track, already she seems slightly better. If all she can do is walk the trails and she can remain healthy doing it, then we are all good. If not, then I'll do right by her.
I've had that water trough for two years. Now I have a place for it. |
But it makes me realize that having our own place, where a wonderful horse can have a nice retirement, is a priority. I can see it's a priority that is in process of unfolding into reality.