This year will bring a major change for me and my horses. This year, by the summer, we will move.
Our goal is to find a place where our horses will live with us, and not just to save on board. For me it's about time. Right now when I go spend time with my horses it's two to three hours away from the family - 30-45 minutes of it is just travel time to the barn. I find it hard to get away very often for that much time.
I have this hope that when I live with my horses I will get some of the just "hang" time with them that is out of the question right now. Maybe this is an illusion, maybe the work of having two horses at home will take away the time I think I'll gain by not having to drive to them. More likely things probably even out. But it's still something I want to try, to experience having my horse outside my door.
We are looking at the rental market in DFW and it's pretty amazing. Plenty of properties, many with space for horses, many in our price range. So it seems like this will really happen. I will really look out a window and see a horse there.
Now we have to get our house ready - paint, empty, cull, prepare. I never want to sell it, this will always be home. But as we hand it over to someone else to rent, 2012 will send us out of our comfort zone and into a new world, a world where I don't know where the best place is for fresh milk, which friends I can count on, the short cut to take when traffic is tied up.
The road ahead turns in the woods, I can't see clearly if the path is smooth or challenging. But we've picked this road.
All that's left is to ride it.
If you are coming to DFW, we'll have to meet — and RIDE! Hope it works out for you.
I'm already sadly counting down the days when mine have to go back to the farm. I love having them here.
Sounds like a plan! The best to you and yours in 2012!
I hear you about boarding. My horses are 35-40 minutes away, from down in the desert, to up at 4,000 feet in our local mountains. Yes, if I go visit them, it is a 3 hour round trip. And, no, I never get to just "hang" with them...I'll be retiring in about 5 years and then we'll look for our own ranch.
I know how you feel, I have the exact situation; drive a half hour one way to get to the barn which means 3-4 hours total.
We hope to move someday to have the same situation, but we would need to leave Washington state to afford land, possibly back to Texas where my hubby is from.
Good luck on your search! Keep us update, maybe it will inspire us to move sooner than later:)
I wish you the best. Our two horses live with us in our back lot. we can watch them out of our kitchen dining nook. And I put their water tank under that window so we can see them close up when they want a drink. You'll spend a lot of time feeding and cleaning up poop, but I consider that hanging out time and good exercise.
You will love caring for your horses at home. Lotsa work, but you really get to know them and they become more like family. Sounds like exciting events for you in 2012. Good luck with your move and have a very happy new year.
Last March, after boarding for over 4 years, I brought my horse home. We are fortunate to have a home and space for horses. I'd fallen into boarding when I'd taken up riding our daughter's show horse (which we were boarding) after she headed off to college. Once my horse was home I found I did miss my "barn pals" but I stop by to visit and haul up to ride or take lessons as often as I can (have time). I love having my horse here at home and being able to go out and interact with him whenever I choose. Looking out to see him happily grazing or sleeping is worth it's weight in gold, plus I've saved money by no longer boarding. I'm looking forward to reading about your house hunting adventures in 2012. Happy New Year!
That sounds so exciting! Wishing you all the best and a very Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year and may all your dreams come true.
A challenge can be exciting too. Good luck with your move and enjoy the path you've chosen.
I used to commute long time for the horses. Fianlly figured out that MY time was valuable and the money I thought I was saving on board, driving further out, wasn't really saving anything. It was actually the opposite. Having them closer (at a bigger expense) or at home has been a huge eye opener. Good luck with your plans!!
I'm hoping it all works out for you and your family and horses. Good luck and good house hunting. Best wishes for the New Year!
Breathe, That's a wonderful new plan! I hope it works out well. How great that there are properties available for horses in DFW area. I hope everything goes smoothly.
I look forward to reading about your 2012. I spend 15 minutes every morning before work cleaning my stall and feeding, and about the same time in the evenings picking his hooves and feeding. (I don't pick the hooves every day, I admit.)
It's really easy with one horse but I think with 2 it's gonna more than double that time. But if your horses don't mess up their stalls/run-ins like mine does, it will be much quicker. Your two are probably tidier then my one *sigh*
Looking forward,
Wow, that's always been a dream of mine. Keep us posted
I think that's great! The DFW area is bursting at the seams with good horse country and trainers/clinicians. I think your opportunities to bond with your horses and advance your horsemanship will expand tremendously.
Does not matter where you live, but it's much, much, better, when your horses live with you.
All the best to you. I hope your plan will turn out to be the best for your horses.
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