Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lily and the Bit

Just a quick update on the bit drama.

When last we saw our Paddock Princess, she was quite surprised to be ridden without a bit. She behaved flawlessly riding in a rope halter and I never even bothered trying to get the bit in.

The point was "we are riding. bit or no bit."

Apparently she got the message.

In our effort to get Lily out more, I've been searching for an additional rider to get some time on her. Donna, who had had the bitting problem with her initially and brought it to my attention, had a more advanced student who was ready to move on to a more challenging horse. We agreed this particular student (who rides well and has soft hands) could ride her.

Today Donna brought Lily out of her paddock and Lily bitted right up.

Horses. I swear, some days it's like dealing with a 1000 pound toddler.


Shirley said...

Having a moment, was she?

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

I started singing "Benny and the Jets" when I read your title. :D


BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

"1000 pound toddlers' - LMAO...Yup! They sure can be.

Dan and Betty said...

1,000 pound toddler - that's great and so true. My Rocky, Sugar, never refuses the bit. This morning she was very calm, but didn't open her mouth. She didn't fight or get tense, she just didn't open her mouth which she always does. I had to insert by thumb to get her to open it and everything was fine. I've learned not to say "always," or "never" when it comes to horses.


Morning said...

Would it be accurate to say, "Horses are like a box of chocolates..." :D

Morning Bray Farm said...

I didn't get to finish typing in my "identity" because I hit the wrong button. :)

Trailrider said...

It's awesome that you have someone that can keep her ridden. That's always the hard part-just keeping them ridden and sharp so they don;t get undone.

Rising Rainbow said...

"1000 toddlers" got me too. LOL That they are........

Julie K said...

It's funny how they suddenly decide they don't like something. I've had Grayson decide that he didn't want to pick up his feet and that he didn't want to wear a halter or bridle. He would fight and fight and then I would have no issue the next day. They can be so finicky :)

Grey Horse Matters said...

I've got a farm full of 1000 lb. toddlers!