Friday was huge.
I had taken the day off, but my energy and spirit was low. That weird malaise that creeps up on women of a ... certain age. Or maybe I hadn't had enough horse time in recent weeks while we adjust to DH's new schedule.
I went out to the barn not even sure if I was going to do much more than round pen and back trails.
But when I drove up I saw Stephanie was there. I tried not to get my hopes up. Stephanie works the night shift at an emergency vet clinic, and often isn't up to riding when I get there, understandably.
So when she said she was up for it, my malaise disappeared. We went on two great trail rides - one with Lily and then one with Smokey. She was on Cibolo.
And. I. Cantered. Both horses. On the trail. And she cantered on Cibolo, who was as quiet as I have ever seen him.
Lily and I cantered up a hill. Smokey we took to the dead end road (since I don't trust his brakes) and cantered there 3 times. It was an amazing mid morning ride, a gift of confidence.
And, as I'm writing this, we are camping at the endurance ride. I'm not riding the ride, but having horse adventures...which I will write up when we get home tomorrow...
So maybe the moral is to "Bring Your Energy Level Down", an have a great day. I'm all for riding after a nap...
Great stuff - and sounds like fun too!
Great work! So glad it went well. I need to do the same.
It is so nice when you have a day turn out like this. Will be looking forward to your post on the endurance horse camping.
One of my 'horse friends' describes cantering as the 'absolute best feeling in the world...'
And on the trail? And on Smokey? Wow. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to the barn with a black cloud over my head and then on the way home been amazed that I was in a completely different frame of mine...horses are so awesome!
Good for you. It's a real confidence booster when it all goes well.
Congrats! Horse time is better than therapy IMO.
I "learned" to canter on trail with a very long gentle hill. I figured even if Dixie ran away with me, she'd get tired long before we ran out of hill. She always rated really well but it sure made me more confident!
Bravo! Bet you had a grin a mile wide.
Good f0r u!!!
Breathe, That's fabulous! Congratulations on two great rides and both horses doing well. Good for you!!
Good for you! And, good for the horses, too. I believe they need to stretch their legs on a regular basis!
We've discussed at the barn the phenomena of having a fantastic ride on days when you don't feel like riding at all.
That is fantastic!! Congrats!
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