Okay.... I am at my wits end with my horse, his name is Diesel, he is very dominant and bull-headed. He refuses to walk behind, he must always be at the front if he isn't he prances annoyingly and throws a lot of attitude and on the way back home he is very impatient, making the ride with my friends incredibly difficult and unpleasant. I have tried lunging him to work off some of his energy, but being part morgan he has unbelievable stamina. I have tried numerous things but what I've done has not been right for him. Does anyone have any advice or a similar problem that you've fixed. I love this horse to death, been through a lot with him but he's makin me nuts........ not much into the parelli natural be one with the horse stuff.... prefer the good ol cowboy way
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I wonder how many cowboys will be offering a hand ...
Wow, I think she should be contacting a horse trainer! Obviously she doesn't know what she is doing. Maybe she is looking for something else? LOL!
I'm thinking that maybe Diesel and my Baby Doll might be related. lol! They sure look a lot alike, except she's just a brat and mostly just lazy. She doesn't care if she's in front or behind and as long as she's allowed to mozy along at her own pace. S.L.O.W. lol!
Interesting CL listing, though. Looks more like a Singles Ad. Why would someone post a picture of themselves if they are just asking for advice?
Poor horse, poor lady! She's failed to provide him with leadership and he's decided he has to step up and do it himself. She needs to do some serious work, and without help she may not have a chance. Methods that involve coercion can turn a horse with a strong personality like this into one that is just plain angry and mean; care will be required.
I agree with Kate that this kind of strong willed horse can become angry and dangerous with the wrong kind of handling. I hope that woman gets some good help!
My black horse, who my business was named for, was of the same nature. I had him from the time he was a baby and from the very beginning, he had opinions about everything. I eventually stopped trying to make him something he wasn't, a quiet trail horse, and did limited distance endurance riding with him. That let him use his energy and mind in productive ways and we were both happy. I had a different horse I rode for quiet trail rides!
WELL--I'm not sure what cowboy way she thinks is going to work! A GOOD cowboy--and yes, I've met many--works with their horse and ground work is super imperative. It all starts there. If she thinks, "The Good Old Cowboy" way is manhandling this horse she is dead wrong. Especially with a Morgan. Lady needs to sell. It's apparent she does not wish to put in the time, if she so quickly discounts Parelli. Parelli uses many common known horsehandling techniques that I have seen "Good OLD Cowboy's use...". She doesn't know what she is doing, and hey, I don't always either, but I don't expect a magic answer from a Craigs List post.... Either she needs to rethink her priorities with said horse and get with a program, a trainer, etc., or sell and find a dead broke horse. I have been overhorsed and it IS something that can be overcome with enough desire and work. LOTS OF WORK. And HELP. And some Parelli moves too! :)Not that you ever need call them that if you don't want!!
Anyhow, did you want to set a riding date in Oct.? Cause your post said Nov. and my schedule doesn't go out that far yet. Oct. I do have so let me know which month you meant! :)
Hahahahahaha! Just saw Lisa's comment about it looking like a singles ad! YEP! Maybe I should give it a try! POOR helpless gal' needs a cowboy to come to her rescue! OK, NOT! :) --giggles---
LOL I suppose it's one way to find a cowboy...
I think dominant horses are probably the ones that drive most "re-riders" or "saddle boomers" to a trainer.
Wow, hard to tell if she wants a cowboy or just a guy who fancies himself a cowboy! It seems she be better off calling the ads for trainers rather than asking a trainer come to her. Hmmmmmm.....trainers aren't usually trolling craigslist for clients! LOL!
Come over and check out my new contest! It's good for a laugh!
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