I've given intramuscular shots before, when Canyon had hives. But I tend to be a little nervous about sticking a needle in the neck of my horse. I like to be holding the lead rope and being emotional supportive.
But it was time to cowgirl up. With a nice big pile of hay at the ready Lily only flinched at the injection but was her usual amazing self. We went to the round pen.
I haven't worked in the round pen with Smokey on the ground in months. But since we couldn't ride (my daughter forgot her boots and I wanted us to work together), I thought it be a good time to check in on our ground work. While we work on ground manners all the time, working at liberty in the round pen gives me a good sense of how in charge I really am.
It was the best round pen session we'd ever had. He turned in to me flawlessly, walking straight up to me when I called him in. All the work we'd done under saddle...
it had translated to the ground. I was stunned. And thrilled.
Then it was Lily's turn. She did well, already much improved, but still a little off.
Sierra and I decided to try a brief trail ride at the lake today. Smokey was a bit sticky loading (something to practice again), but Lily loaded up, clearly excited. We got there late in the day, and both horses where jazzed - Smokey a little worried, Lily ready to go racing around.
But we didn't push it. We went on the lake trail, I got off once to help Smokey get through the ditch (which even Lily refused to do - it's a classic ambush ditch, darn scary for a horse).
We headed to the big open field and worked on circles and serpentines. The work help Smokey focus and we trotted around.
And Lily was sound!
Boy, do we have some trails to ride!
Nice to hear all is well - hope you get a lot of miles in!
Sounds good to me as well. It's interesting. Betty and I don't have any qualms about shots in the neck, but we do about muscle shots.
Well good for you...its hard to do, but I like to give my own injections too. My friend, that gave the A. to her older mare, rotated shots between 4 sections...it seemed to help, administering it to different muscles.
Glad for the improvement and your nice ride!
I am with you on the shots, I never wanted to give my mare her shots...it was just too creepy and I was always afraid I would break a needle off if they jumped...Now that I am old I think I could do it! :) I am so glad the meds did the job and happy riding!
Sounds like a great ride! I'm glad Lily's doing better.
does anyone know how to get adequan with a prrescription, if so cxan u email me at zx10pebbles@yahoo.com thanks
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