Friday, January 29, 2010

A note from my horse

Lookie at the sweet note Cibolo left me:

Dear Mom,

When you are tense, let me teach you to relax.
When you are short sighted, let me teach you to see.
When you are short tempered, let me teach you to be patient.
When you are quick to react, let me teach you to be thoughtful.
When you are angry, let me teach you to be serene.
When you feel superior, let me teach you to be respectful.
When you are self-absorbed, let me teach you to think of greater things.
When you are arrogant, let me teach you humility.
When you are lonely, let me be your companion.
When you are tired, let me carry the load.
When you need to learn, let me teach you.
After all, I am your horse.

THEN I found this, apparently his first draft:

When you are tense, let me teach you that there are dragons in the forest and we need to leave NOW!

When you are short-sighted, let me teach you to figure out where exactly in the 40 acres I am hiding.

When you are short-tempered, let me teach you how to slog around the pasture for an hour before you can catch me.

When you are quick to react, let me teach you that herbivores kick MUCH faster than omnivores.

When you are angry, let me teach you how well I can stand on my hind feet, because I don't FEEL like cantering on my right lead today, that's why.

When you are worried, let me entertain you with my mystery lameness, GI complaint and skin disease.

When you feel superior, let me teach you that, mostly, you are the maid service.

When you are self-absorbed, let me teach you to PAY ATTENTION. I told you about those dragons in the forest.

When you are arrogant, let me teach you what 1000 lbs. of yipee-yahoo-gotta-go horse can do when suitably inspired.

When you are lonely, let me be your companion. Let's do lunch. Breakfast and dinner sound good, too.

When you are tired, don't forget about the 300 lbs of grain that needs to be unloaded.

When you are feeling financially secure, let me teach you the meaning of "veterinary services".

When you need to learn, hang around the barn, I'll learn ya.

Your Horse

(Just kidding - got this from our trainer. LOL)


Cactus Jack Splash said...

That is just so darn cute

Fantastyk Voyager said...

That is great and so true! Are you sure that a horse didn't write it?

Shirley said...

Love your header. Is it going to be your inspiration to take it up a notch?

Unknown said...

Jack - Right? I couldn't resist posting it.

FV - LOL I do think it's horse written.

Shirley - Wouldn't that be something? It's a reminder. That girl is in here somewhere.

Deedee Williams said...

I LOVE this! I'm going to save it and hang it up in the barn!