Tuesday, April 20, 2010

update on Cibolo

I ended up taking Cibolo to the vet yesterday because he had stopped eating again. The doctor found hard stuff in his small colon and treated with a tube up the nose, filling him up with epsom salt, water and some other thing I can't remember the name of.

He ate that evening, and this morning, and has grazed for the day. He's off grain for a few days, but I think we are on the good side of things...

At least I hope so.

More later. Hope all is well with you and yours...


Wolfie said...

Poor baby! Hard stuff in his intestines - ouch! Sending positive thoughts your way that Cibolo is 100% soon.

Shirley said...

Oh I hope Cibolo is over the worst of it. Just thought I'd mention that if a horse is prone to colic, don't feed him grain at all; there are other things to feed if he needs extra weight or energy.

Once Upon an Equine said...

I'm glad the vet was able to help. I hope Cibolo has passed the hard stuff in there and is back to normal.

Anonymous said...

Scary stuff - hope all continues to go well.

Paint Girl said...

Glad you got him to the vet and that he is going to be okay!! So scary!!

Cactus Jack Splash said...

Keep getting better Cibolo!

Grey Horse Matters said...

Hope Cibolo is doing well and has got all that nasty hard stuff out of his system and keeps it out.

Anonymous said...

We'll be thinking positive thoughts that all continues to go well for you and Cibolo.

Anonymous said...

Having just gone through multiple colic episodes with Brillo, I really empathize with how frightening it is. I hope he stays well for you now!

As Shirley said, grain can be bad for some horses, especially in stressful situations. I had Brillo on Triple Crown Senior trying to help him gain weight and I'm sure it contributed to his colic episodes so now he is on the 'low carb' diet with our fat mustangs!

Keep us posted - Carmon

Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Oh oh. I hope that did the trick and flushed it out.

jacksonsgrrl said...

UGH! We have both have had bad weeks! (Mine only has gotten worse (2 friends died...), but I am so GLAD Cibolo is recovering! I hate the C word...I won't even utter it near J. after my scare! Well, our get together was a bust, but we did get to meet in person at least! :) Hopefully, you don't hate this area so much now that you won't come back for a ride!

Fantastyk Voyager said...

I hope all is well with Cibolo now.